Code Information

The California Building Code (CBC) is a key component of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. It is based on the International Code Council (ICC) standards and incorporates elements of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The CBC serves as the foundation for building regulations in California, encompassing various codes and standards that address structural safety, fire safety, energy efficiency, accessibility, and more.

In addition to its core provisions, the CBC also includes specialized sections, such as the California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen) and the California Energy Code, which promote sustainable construction practices and energy efficiency. Cities and counties across California adopt the CBC, often with local amendments, to guide permit review processes and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

The following sites provide more information on various code requirements:

Site Description The California Energy Commission provides forms for minor alterations, major alterations, and new construction. Major Alterations require certified CHEERS preperation An array of downloadable materials providing practical and concise guidance on how and when to comply with California's building and appliance energy efficiency standards. The international Code Council develops the international building code which is adapted in the State of California for Building Code, Residential Code, and Fire Code use. The National Electric Code is developed by NFPA and in coordination with ICC forms the basis of the California Electrical Code (CEC) The Uniform Mechanical Code is developed by IAPMO and forms the basis of the California Mechanical Code (CMC) The Uniform Plumbing Code is developed by IAPMO and forms the basis of the California Plumbing Code (CPC) The California Green Building Standards Code—Part 11, Title 24, California Code of Regulations (CALGreen), was developed by CBSC green building standards to meet the goals of AB 32