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  • Provide basic information in the top cells. Fillable cells required to be filled are blue.
  • Complete the blue cells under the “Scope Items” heading.
  • Information from applicable building code standards have been provided in the green cells below the inputs. Please verify that this information meets the standards of your design before referencing this information in any plans or other submittal documents.  This information is provided for reference only, and does not constitute design or consultant service.
  • Additional specific information may be available in the yellow cells.


Building Standards for Residential Reroofing


Scope Examples: Installation, repair, or renovation of roofing systems for residential buildings. This may include:

  • Replacing or repairing roof coverings (shingles, tiles, metal panels, etc.).
  • Installing or updating underlayment, flashing, or roof ventilation systems.
  • Adding or upgrading skylights, chimneys, or other roof features.
  • Re-roofing over existing materials, or completely removing and replacing the roof structure.


Title 24 is divided into specific parts addressing various aspects of construction. Key sections for residential reroofing include:

  1. California Residential Code (CRC):

    • Governs the structural and safety requirements for residential roofing, including load-bearing capacity, roof slope, and material specifications.
    • Includes regulations for roof covering materials, attachment methods, and minimum design loads for roofs.
    • Specifies requirements for roof ventilation and drainage to prevent moisture buildup and ensure adequate airflow in attics.
  2. California Building Code (CBC):

    • Applies to structural requirements for roofing systems, including load distribution, wind resistance, and seismic considerations.
    • Regulates the installation of roofing materials, including the use of fire-resistant materials in areas with high fire risk.
  3. California Energy Code:

    • Enforces energy efficiency standards for roofing systems, such as cool roof requirements, which mandate the use of reflective materials to reduce heat absorption and improve energy performance.
    • Specifies requirements for insulation and ventilation to increase the energy efficiency of the building.
  4. California Mechanical Code (CMC):

    • Addresses the integration of mechanical systems with roofing, such as vent pipes, attic ventilation, or other system penetrations through the roof.
  5. California Electrical Code (CEC):

    • Regulates the safe installation of electrical components on roofs, such as solar panels, antennas, or other electrical systems requiring roof access.
  6. California Fire Code:

    • Specifies fire-resistance requirements for roofing materials, particularly in areas subject to wildfires.
    • Regulates the use of fire-retardant treated materials and fire-safe roofing systems to prevent fire spread.